

Good morning :)

Hope everyone's well on this.... er, glum Sunday morning. Well it is for me, it's awful weather outside. Another day reading for me I think! I was horribly overtired yesterday and last night, for a good reason but nontheless I decided at about 9pm to confide myself to my room for fear of shouting at any more inanimate objects/parents!

I want to do some cooking today too, but I'm not sure what. No doubt my parents will return back to the house with ingredients to make Sunday tea, so I could always make desert (my forté ofc). Chocolate orange loaf cake from Nigella's "Domestic Goddess" is calling me! I've recently (just this minute) discovered Shutterbean - a wonderful homely website with some nice recipes on - take a look if it's your sort of thing!

I'll also be tweaking my C.V. and sending out pleading letters to shops around the area asking for a summer job! Better to go to uni with some moneys eh.

Would love to say I'd do my 30 day shred today, but I do not feel like it - I'll do it when I feel like it, it's not like I need to lose 20 pounds in 30 days anyway, I'd be a shrivel! Does anyone else do the 30 day shred and feel my pain?

Recently I've become hooked on two bands: The National & White Lies. Both are very melodic and slightly hypnotic which is oddly relaxing, and I love their deep voices. Such a sucker for a low voice in men! "Ada" is a song by The National, hence the title.

Anyway, my God I've been rambling. But it's what I do best :) I might post an outfit post later because I really won't be doing much today. My geography teacher told us to take the weekend off revision and that is exactly what I'm doing ;)


1 comment:

zaynab. said...

Good Morning ♥
Ah its good weather over here, iHope it gets better.
& Also hoping you get a job you want ~

Listening to Ada right now ~
Reaction: Woah he has a nice voice.
Its real nice song, it just made me zone out. : D