
"Norwegian Wood"

I quickly posted about this on my twitter, but wanted to give those bookworms a little bit more of a review! I'm not sure quite what genre this book would come under but it doesn't really need a genre, I don't think. It was first released in Japan and apparently is "the book everyone in Japan has read". When it first got recommended to me, I don't know, I thought it was all hype and no talk. And the start in my opinion was a little on the slow side.

But as you follow the story of Watanabe, a student in Tokyo, you really begin to connect with him, and with Naoko too, a girl in his life. Naoko is one of the most engaging characters I've ever read about, even though you never learn much about her.

On some levels I think everyone can connect with some of the characters within the book, but even if you can't, read it. It's engaging, compelling, disturbing and wonderful all at the same time. I can't recommend it highly enough, and this book will definitely be on my bookshelf at University.



shanice said...

I haven't even heard about this! It definitely sounds worth a read, thanks for the heads up :) x

gabby said...

Shanice, I can't recommend it highly enough! I got completely lost in it :) x