
Teenage Dream

Currently giving it a listen, it's a lovely upbeat album for a (slightly!) sunny Thursday. This week seems to have gone so slow, but of course that's natural. I've been getting up at 8.00am most days to get lots of revision done, but recently I've been getting up a tad later and not doing as much. It's understandable, got to have time to myself. But I've got all my revision notes done for one of my biology resits, and I've started on my main biology exam and geography notes too. I want to at least have all my biology notes (for 3 exams) done by the time I get back to college, so I can read and re-read them til I know them all. Hopefully!

I want to get a few disposable cameras soon, for summer. I got one last summer and loved the way everything turned out, so i'm gonna have to save my pennies for some more :) 

Would love to go to a new city this summer, too. Maybe not a brand new one (I don't have the money for Paris/Milan!), perhaps Edinburgh, that was lovely last time, even though it was in an awful storm! Fun fun.

This weekend sounds nice to me. Friday is a movie night with my wonderful friends, Saturday hopefully I'm going out drinking and dancing with my lovelies, and then Sunday I begin to say goodbye to the person I lost last week. Prayers on Sunday evening, then a Requiem Mass (Catholic Funeral) on Monday morning, and also a Wake, I think they call it. Should hopefully be a lovely way to say goodbye to such a lovely person :)

Off for a trawl round my local charity shop!


1 comment:

lou said...

your little cat is really really cute!